Tuesday, May 24, 2011

And They're Off!

I am at day 4 on my ketogenic diet, and good times keep on rolling.

First, the depressing stuff. My before statistics.
I started this diet at 362 lbs. My body fat percentage is 141.3 lbs, or roughly 41%. Ouch. I hadn't weighed myself in at least a year, and I thought I might be in the upper 200's. But 362? Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck.
Jesus Tapdancing Christ.

Now the good stuff. After last night's weigh-in, I'm down to 355.5! In only 3 days!

This is a great start. I entered ketosis almost immediately, and my KetoStix are now registering a deep purple, showing high levels of ketones.

The food is the best part. Everything is delicious and full fat. Butter and cheese? Yes please!

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